At least _____ major ice ages have occurred throughout Earth's history.
The species of which nearly all members are dead is called ______.
The major diet of pandas is ______.
Which gas causes Global Warming?
When was the last Olympics held?
Which continent has never hosted Olympics?
The crown given to winners of the Olympics in ancient Greece was made of _____.
Which country has hosted the most Olympics?
What year did the modern Olympics start?
Who holds the record for the most Olympic gold medals won by an athlete?
What is the date of the first known Olympic Games?
Olympic Games are held every ____ years.
For which event did Bob Mathias become the youngest Olympic gold medalist?
How many rings are there on the Olympic flag?
What is the smallest number system?
Which of the following is not a search engine?
PDF stand for ____ Document Format
Which software is used to make presentations in Microsoft Ofiice?
A computer uses which type of number language to calculate and store data?
Kishmish is dried_____.