The first animated movie was created in The first animated movie was created in? MY T…
Who made the first animated film? Who made the first animated film? MY TELENOR J.Stua…
Milky way is a: Milky way is a? MY TELENOR Mobile Galaxy Restaurant Drink My …
Stephen Hawking graduated from University of: Stephen Hawking graduated from Univ…
Stephen Hawking was an english theoretical _& cosmologist. Stephen Hawking wa…
Stephen Hawking was born in: Stephen Hawking was born in? MY TELENOR 1942 1…
Steve Jobs was the CEO and Co- founder of: Steve Jobs was the CEO and Co- founder…
PEMRA was established in: PEMRA was established in? MY TELENOR 2002 2001 …
Which is the biggest river in the World? Which is the biggest river in the Worl…
What is the capital of Canada? What is the capital of Canada? Ottawa Toront…
Kartarpur Corridor was completed in. Kartarpur Corridor was completed in. 199…
Pakistan has won _ Nobel Prizes. Pakistan has won _ Nobel Prizes. 2 3 5 …