During Ramadan, meals in Kenya are usually served with: Tea Coffee Juice Milk …
Mesaharati is a tradition of beating ------ to wake people up for suhoor. Mesahar…
Africa is the world's ----- largest and second-most populous continent? third…
Which of the following is not tribal community of Africa? Zulu Maasai SanBush…
How many time zones are there in Africa? Four Five Six Seven Is it true that…
Which is the longest river in Africa? Congo River Orange River Zambezi River N…
Which African river crosses the equator two times? Zaire River Nile River Seneg…
What is the capital city of France? Paris Varena Madrid Rome My Telenor …
Before Ramadan begins, children in the UAE celebrate by singing for? Sweets Hen…
Across the Middle East, what signifies the end of the fast? Bells Firing cannons …
In Azerbaijan, ramadan festivities popularly include? Jewellery sales Horse R…
Women in Pakistan come together at the end of Ramadan for festivities. This day is c…