The White Nile and Blue Nile meet where in Sudan Khartoum Cartouma Giza Shedi …
Temperatures in the Sahara can reach as high as how many degrees Fahrenheit 120 F…
What continent is Mali located on. Africa Asia Europe Australia Is it true t…
What is traditional African food based on. Crops Fruits Fast Food Vegetables …
In which country does the White Nile originate? Ethiopia Burundi Sudan Egypt …
Which is the most spoken language in Africa? English Chinese French Swahili …
How many people live on the African continent? 1 Bil 1.2 Bil 50 Bil 3 Bil …
The takes up the southern edge of the Sahara. Savannas Rainforest Coast Sahel …
Which is the largest city in Africa? Lagos Burke fasico Angola Is it tru…
Name the famous Djiboutian Sweet called. Baklava Brownies Mukhbaza Fruit Cak…
Tanzanian tables at suhoor are incomplete without coconut flavoured Bread Rice …
In Eritrea, people bring food in mosques every Friday & Sunday Tuesday Wedn…