When was ''The Mask'' released? 1808 2001 1994 2010 The Mask is a 1994…
In The Matrix, what is the color of the pill taken by Neo? Blue Pink Red Yellow The Ma…
For what movie did Tom Hanks score his first Academy Award nomination? Small Circle Bi…
What is the name of the Tom-Cruise starrer Airforce Film? JikJik Xhinxhang Top Gun Top…
In what 1976 thriller does Robert De Niro famously say “You talkin’ to me?” Bike Rider…
Who played Martin Luther King Jr. in the 2014 biopic Selma? Irfan Khan Johnny Depp D.O…
What Hollywood movie star plays himself in Zombieland? the Rock Johnny Depp B.Murray B…
What 1994 crime film revitalized John Travolta’s career? Last Act Maddison Pulp Fictio…
The Social Network is a Hollywood film based on which app? Tiktok Instagram Facebook V…
Which Animals attack the aircraft in ''Snakes on a Plane''? Tiger Snak…
Which actor plays the famous character of ''DeadPool''? Bradley Cooper…
Who played the Green Goblin in 2002 box-office smash Spider-Man? Will Smith Vin Diesel…