Rasmalai is a ____ dish.
Which of these is not an ingredient of Biryani?
Which country does Pizza originate from?
For something to be a fruit, it must contain _____.
Which continent is responsible for world's 90% of rice consumption?
Croissant are traditional breakfast in _____.
Soups are a _____ item.
"Koftay" are basically ____.
Which of these is not a type of Pulao?
The ______ Tree is the official national tree of Pakistan.
Which of these is environment friendly?
Which landscape defines as a large area of flat unforested grassland in south-eastern Europe or Siberia?
Because trees abosorb and store _____, planting trees might help in decreasing global warming.
Which of these words means animals?
All of these are types of bread except ______.
Which of these is not a type of Kabab?
Which fruit is the king of fruits?
What is the Urdu word for Mango?
Japanese Fruit is called ___ in Urdu.
Shashlik is ____.