What happens when there is a hole in the ozone layer?
Water polution is mainly caused by
Which one from the options is a greenhouse gas
The most dangerous metal pollutant from car exhausts is ______
How many times does eid happen in a year?
How are the dates of Eid decided
What does 'Eid ul Adha' mean ?
What other important Islamic event takes place before Eid ul Azha
What are the three days of eid called
Animals are routinely sacrificed on Eid ul Adha in memory of the sacrifice of..
How many rakats are there in Eid prayer?
What was the name of Hazrat Ibrahim's son?
Fitrana is compulsory on who?
Which of these is called Bari Eid?
Taftaan is a type of ____.
Yellow sweet rice dish with dry fruits and resins is called ____.
Which of these is not used in Kata-kat?
Rabri wala doodh is served ______.
Shikanji is made from ____.
___ is good for the environment