Which clothing is Sindh famous for internationally?
Women in rural Sindh often wear
Name the range which separates Pakistan from Afghanistan
Name the highest Mountain of Pakistan
highway connects Punjab with Gilgit Baltistan all the way till Khunjrab Pass
Which language is commonly spoken as a native language in Gilgit Baltistan
which peak is visible from fairy meadows?
What month does Eid-ul-Fitr come in?
In UAE, Eid is usually celebrated for how many days?
What is a common thing women apply to their hands on eid?
What is mainly sacrificed for eid?
After eid  prayers, it is mandatory to hear what?
How many times did Hajara run from Safa to Marwa back and forth?
Which of these things is not sacrificed during Eid?
Eid ul Adha happens on which Islamic month?
Sacrificing an animal on Eid ul Adha is also known as..
The Eid meat is sacrificed into how many portions?
Which of these words means plants?
When do forest fires usually occur?
Maximum air pollution is caused by