Which is the most eaten vegetable in the world?
Which of these items is usually not served with Kehva?
Which of these is a type of Shalwar?
Which culture did the 'kurta' originate from?
The Kullah Cap belongs to which Pakistani culture?
Which of these is a cultural garment that is worn by both men and women?
What is called the traditional earrings of Pakistan
Name the traditional nose jewellery commonly worn by brides in Pakistan?
Lacha is commonly worn as a lower in which province of Pakistan?
Ajrak is associated with which province of Pakistan
Name the Nation dress of Pakistan
What is the traditional footwear of Punjabi culture
Another name for the famous Peshawari Chappal is
A Piranda is traditionally a
The Peshawari Chappal originated from which province of Pakistan?
What is the traditional Sindhi shalwar called
The traditional headgear worn by the people of Hunza is made from?
What is the traditional hat worn by the women of Gilgit Baltistan called?
Which of these are the famous hand-made South Asian shoes?
Balochi men traditionally wear