What are the top two most popular spices in the world?
Where does sushi come from?
What is a quesadilla?
Chinese fortune cookies were invented in America, true or false?
What is Canada famous for producing in food?
Which food never rots and doesn’t require preservatives to keep fresh?
Where does Apple Strudel traditionally come from?
Which fruit resembles 60% of human DNA?
The French call it pomplamouse, what do we call it?
What is the triangular shaped Indian pastry containing spiced meat?
What is Gohan Japanese?
Which is the main ingredient that makes bread rise?
What shape is the pasta called 'chiocciole'?
What type of bread would you eat with an Indian curry?
What is the world’s costliest spice by weight?
What does the 'T' in 'BLT' (Bacon, Lettuce &___) stand for?
An eclair is made using this type of dough
Which is the most stolen food in the world?
What are the favorite sweets in Finland?
Which meat is prohibited in Islamic countries' cuisines?