Wazir Khan Mosque is in which city?
Jehlum river is said to has been named so by which ancient conqueror?
Rohtas Fort is in which province?
Masjid Mahabat Khan is in which city?
Which of these is the biggest fort in the world?
Highest result of education is _______. (Helen Keller)
Freedom of _____ is a principle that supports the freedom of an individual or a community to articulate their opinions and ideas without fear of retaliation, censorship, or legal sanction.
The right to _____ is the most basic form of Human Rights.
What is the adulthood age according to Pakistani law?
A right delayed is a right _____. (Martin Luther King, Jr.)
is a famous Sindhi drink made from crushed almonds and poppy seeds khashkhaash.
Which of these is a mountain range in Sindh?
Which of these is not a Sindhi food?
Which of these singers belong to Sindh?
Which of these sites is not in Sindh?
Other names of Indus river are ______.
Which of these cities is at the bank of Ravi?
Panjkora river is located in the province of _______.
is the longest river in Balochistan.
How long is Ravi?
Which of these is the longest river of subcontinent?
Which river flows near Harrapa city?
Indus river ends at _____.
Indus is Km long.
All the rivers of Punjab merge with Indus at _____.
Which Pakistani river has same annual flow as that of Nile river?
How many rivers join indus in Punjab?
How many rivers flow in Balochistan province?
Which of these regions does Chenab not pass through?
Which is the biggest river in Pakistan?