How long do the celebrations of Eid-al-Adha last for?
How many Ghazwa were fought in the month of Ramadan?
Which is the first region in Pakistan to do sehri?
After how many days of Hajj is Eid-ul-Adha celebrated?
Which of these translations are related to the word Ramadan?
Which date of Zil Hajj is Eid-al-Adha?
Which is the last region in Pakistan to do sehri?
What is the Arabic word for Roza?
In which month virtue is flourished and evil is suppressed?
Other than eating, drinking what else it prohibited during fasting?
Which is the first region in Pakistan to do Iftaar?
Which of these is famous for his abstract art?
Who is the artist behind "Treasure of Time by Sadequain"?
Kulyaat-e-Saghar is written by _____.
Mehdi Hassan is famous for ____.
Which of these is a famous Pakistani painter?
Muslim spend their time in ittekaf during last _____ days of Ramadan.
What is the basic purpose of fasting?
What is the celebration after the month of Ramadan called?
Which is the last city in Pakistan to do Iftaar?
During fast which of these is not considered Makrooh?
What is the name of the meal before the start of the fast?
Pakistan came into being on which Ramadan?
The word Namaz is from which language?
What is the meaning of "Soum"
How many ashras are there in the month of Ramadan?
Smog is a mixture of Smoke and ____.
How many deserts are there in Pakistan?
The process of rivers altering their course is called river ______.
Where do Monsoon winds originate?