Which is the tallest building in the world? The tallest building in the world is curre…
Where is Neuschwanstein Castle? Neuschwanstein Castle is a 19th-century Romanesque Rev…
Which country has the biggest currency in world right now? The country with the larges…
What is the currency of Scotland? The currency of Scotland is the pound sterling. The …
What is the biggest banknote of Pound Sterling? The Bank of England currently issues b…
Which of the following civilizations used Chocolate as currency? The ancient Maya civi…
Which one of the four railroads in Monopoly was not a real railroad? In the game of Mo…
How many squares are there on the traditional London Monopoly board? There are 40 squa…
How many tiles does each player have at the start of a game of scrabble? Each player i…
How many blank tiles are there in scrabble Scrabble Scrabble is a word game in which p…
How many pawns start in a game of chess? In a game of chess, there are a total of 16 p…
Which game gives small pink and blue pegs for your children? Which game gives small pi…
In Backgammon, how many pieces does each player start with? In Backgammon, how many pi…
Which country is the home of Lego? Denmark is a country located in Northern Europe. It…
Whatt is the name of the game in whicch players try to establish and grow colonies Cat…
How many Novels are there in Ibne Safi- Imran Series? Ibne Safi (1928-1980) was a Paki…
Which classic game is known as "draughts" in England? Chinese Games Checkers…
which game was originally called Lexico, then Crisscross Words Carrom Badminton Scrabb…
Which game features Miss Peacock? Domaine Ludo Scrabble Clue Miss Peacock is a charact…
Which game features a "Pop-O-Matic" for rolling dice? Apples Risk Go Fish Tr…
This is a "Eurogame" in which players build a medieval landscape Scrabble Ca…
It is difficult to determine who is Austria's best player, as this can depend on v…
Some of the Hollywood movies that have dominated the box office in 2021 include: Which…